version: "3" # 表示该docker-compose.yml文件使用的是Version 3 services: # 为project定义服务 nginx: # 指定服务名称 image: nginx # 指定服务所使用的镜像 ports: # 暴露端口信息 - 80:80 - 8080:8080 - 443:443 volumes: - ./html:/usr/share/nginx/html - ./conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d - ./nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./log:/var/log/nginx restart: always opengist: image: container_name: opengist restart: unless-stopped ports: - "6157:6157" # HTTP port #- "2222:2222" # SSH port, can be removed if you don't use SSH volumes: - "./opengist:/opengist" memos: image: container_name: memos ports: - 5230:5230 volumes: - "./memos:/var/opt/memos" restart: unless-stopped drawio: image: container_name: drawio restart: unless-stopped ports: - 28080:8080 - 28443:8443 volumes: - ./drawio:/drawio environment: PUBLIC_DNS: domain ORGANISATION_UNIT: unit ORGANISATION: org CITY: city STATE: state COUNTRY_CODE: country healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://domain:28080 || exit 1"] interval: 1m30s timeout: 10s retries: 5 start_period: 10s tracer: image: container_name: tracer restart: unless-stopped ports: - "666:5000" volumes: - ./tracer:/data kanboard: image: kanboard/kanboard restart: always ports: - 667:80 volumes: - ./kanboard/kanboard_data:/var/www/app/data - ./kanboard/kanboard_plugins:/var/www/app/plugins - ./kanboard/kanboard_ssl:/etc/nginx/ssl cozy: image: cozy/cozy-stack restart: always ports: - "668:80" environment: - COZY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=source2017 volumes: - './cozy-data:/mnt/cozy' # 使用 Docker Volume 存储数据 gitlab: image: gitlab/gitlab-ee container_name: gitlab restart: always hostname: '' environment: GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG: | external_url '' gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 2202 ports: - '8280:80' - '8443:443' - '2202:22' volumes: - './GITLAB_HOME/config:/etc/gitlab' - './GITLAB_HOME/logs:/var/log/gitlab' - './GITLAB_HOME/data:/var/opt/gitlab' shm_size: '256m' gitea: image: gitea/gitea:1.21.11-rootless restart: always volumes: - ./gitea/data:/var/lib/gitea - ./gitea/config:/etc/gitea - /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro ports: - "3000:3000" - "2425:2222" logseq: image: container_name: logseq ports: - "13000:80" volumes: - ./Logseq_data:/data environment: - LANG=zh_CN.UTF-8 - LOGSEQ_HOME=/data restart: always blog: image: restart: unless-stopped ports: - 5002:5000 volumes: - ./moongladepure/www/data:/data manhours: image: restart: unless-stopped ports: - "5003:5000" volumes: - ./manhours:/data #documentserver: # image: onlyoffice/documentserver # restart: unless-stopped # volumes: # - ./onlyoffice/DocumentServer/data:/var/www/onlyoffice/Data # ports: # - 880:80 registry-ui: depends_on: - registry-server image: joxit/docker-registry-ui:main restart: always ports: - target: 81 published: 81 protocol: tcp mode: host environment: - SINGLE_REGISTRY=false - REGISTRY_TITLE=Docker Registry UI - DELETE_IMAGES=true - SHOW_CONTENT_DIGEST=true - NGINX_PROXY_PASS_URL=http://registry-server:5000 - SHOW_CATALOG_NB_TAGS=true - CATALOG_MIN_BRANCHES=1 - CATALOG_MAX_BRANCHES=1 - TAGLIST_PAGE_SIZE=100 - REGISTRY_SECURED=false - CATALOG_ELEMENTS_LIMIT=1000 container_name: registry-ui registry-server: image: restart: always ports: - "5000:5000" environment: REGISTRY_HTTP_HEADERS_Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '[]' REGISTRY_HTTP_HEADERS_Access-Control-Allow-Methods: '[HEAD,GET,OPTIONS,DELETE]' REGISTRY_HTTP_HEADERS_Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: '[true]' REGISTRY_HTTP_HEADERS_Access-Control-Allow-Headers: '[Authorization,Accept,Cache-Control]' REGISTRY_HTTP_HEADERS_Access-Control-Expose-Headers: '[Docker-Content-Digest]' REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED: 'true' volumes: - ./docker-registry/data:/var/lib/registry container_name: registry-server remotely: image: immybot/remotely:latest container_name: remotely volumes: - ./remotely:/app/AppData restart: unless-stopped ports: - "58089:58089" networks: - remotely environment: - ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Production - ASPNETCORE_HTTP_PORTS=58089 # Other ASP.NET Core configurations can be overridden here, such as Logging. # See - Serilog__MinimumLevel__Override__Microsoft.AspNetCore=Warning - Serilog__MinimumLevel__Override__System=Warning # Values for DbProvider are SQLite, SQLServer, and PostgreSQL. - Remotely_ApplicationOptions__DbProvider=SQLite # The Docker gateway will be used in Forwarded Headers, which is necessary to # to correctly determine request hostname and scheme within the app. If you change # the network config, you must update this value as well. - Remotely_ApplicationOptions__DockerGateway= # This path shouldn't be changed. It points to the Docker volume. - Remotely_ConnectionStrings__SQLite=Data Source=/app/AppData/Remotely.db # If using SQL Server, change the connection string to point to your SQL Server instance. - Remotely_ConnectionStrings__SQLServer=Server=(localdb)\\mssqllocaldb;Database=Remotely-Server-53bc9b9d-9d6a-45d4-8429-2a2761773502;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true # If using PostgreSQL, change the connection string to point to your PostgreSQL instance. - Remotely_ConnectionStrings__PostgreSQL=Server=Host=localhost;Database=Remotely;Username=postgres; networks: net: driver: overlay # gitlab: # name: gitlab-network remotely: name: remotely-network driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: gateway: